Monday, February 3, 2014

Organize It: Scrapbook Embellishments/Stickers

I got a huge shipment of photos from Shutterfly a few weeks back and have been trying to finish up my kiddo's baby book before newbaby arrives, but I'm so disorganized with my scrapbooking materials.  Everything was in a big box. 

Anyway, sometimes I wake up in the wee hours of the night from pregnancy or because my kid wakes up and in those wee hours, I find myself browsing pinterest.  Sometimes I fall asleep on my phone and accidentally pin things or send pins with my cheek.  So if you get a weird pin sent to you, it's from my snoring head.

I saw this somewhere on pinterest and I never pinned it, but it stuck with me.   Last year I found this wonderful kokeshi binder from Target and it's been empty until now. 
I went and purchased some sheet protectors and filled the binder with them.  Then I filled those sheets with stickers and whatnots.
There are also photo protectors:
I put some larger embellishments in those. 

And trading card protectors:
Those fit lots of little things.  I also have business card protectors in my office somewhere, but I don't know if I need those yet.

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