Friday, February 14, 2014


At the start of February, I was informed by my kid's daycare that Thursdays would be Cape Day for the entire month.  Ugh.  Another project to delay other ongoing projects.  I didn't get around to making one last week.  She was capeless.  I'm sure that this will provide her with something to tell a therapist in years to come.  You know, how her mother neglected her and made her an outcast among the other toddlers by not providing a cape in a timely manner.  

Yup, that's how it will go down.

On Sunday I chose some hideous pique fabric that has been part of my stash for maybe six years.  The pattern inspiration came from here, but the pdf wouldn't load on my phone and I was too lazy (read: pregnant) to go get the computer, so I self drafted an imitation.
So that's the back.  It's not a bad length, but that fabric!  Ugh!  I still have some of it left.  Bah.

I wanted a velcro neck closure to avoid a choking hazard, but the neck is just a tad too big.  When I picked her up from daycare, the teacher suggested that I attach the neck pieces to the cape lining and make armholes for safety reasons.  I'll probably modify it this weekend.
At least she's cute.

My stitches were wonky:
I adjusted the tension and it seems okay for now, but jeez...  What a mess!


  1. I see a Little Red Riding Hood cape in that girl's future. You know how she loves a hood. Next one should also have a Super Z on the back of it.
