Wednesday, July 13, 2016


I decided to offer free bookmarks with my little free library, so I ordered a laminator and 500 (!) bookmark-sized lamination sheets.  They both arrived the day before the grand opening (phew!), so I spent two hours whipping up about 50 bookmarks.

Do you remember when I took that marbling class at the Textile Center?  (Refreshers here, here, here, and here.)   I still had a lot of marbled sheets of paper left over, because I've only made cards and stockings (with the fabric).  I grabbed a bunch of sheets, started slicing, and laminated.

They went from just plain sheets:

To bookmarks:
I just placed them in front of the books for people to grab when they open the library.  Until the library's architect and I come up with a better solution, I think this will work well:

What else should I laminate?  I have a broken copy of Little Women so maybe some book pages?  And then I have an old cookbook with adorable illustrations that I've been thinking of cutting up.  I've had it for five (or more) years and every time I go to cut it up, I have second thoughts.  It's sort of wonderful just all together, but the spine is busted and the cover is grody.  Maybe some bookmarks then?  My mom spends lots of time coloring, so perhaps some of her completed sheets can be laminated, too.

1 comment:

  1. laminating -- I love laminating stuff -- it's a great tool to have. recipe cards. maps. all sorts of stuff
